Do you know...
The earth has its two magnetic poles on its axis, i.e. north and south ends of the earth. They are also known as ‘Dipoles’ of the earth as the magnetic range of the earth roams in between these two dipoles. There are three layers of the earth which are named as crust, mantle and core. The first two layers of the earth comprise of rock and soil. But the last core is made up of molten iron. That molten iron creates a kind of attraction that generates ‘Electric currents’ in rolls in relation to north- south polar axis.
Relevancy of Vastu norms in relation to magnetic field of the earth:
The astounding fact is that our ancestors were vigilant of the natural elements which are pronounced as Prithvi, Jala, Aakash, Vayu and Agni. They were aware of the effect and influence of earth’s magnetic field on biotic and abiotic components existing on this earth. So, they constituted vastu norms in correspondence to the inevitable respond of natural elements on the living creatures that may be either good or bad to which admit as the negative vibes or positive vibes of the natural elements on living creatures. The head of a human body is considered as the north and legs point to the south of the magnetic axis. That’s why; sleeping with the legs positioned in the north direction is considered as bad because the energizing point of the body is enduring the degrading of positive vibes in the human surrounding. Consequently, tension and stress keep on ticking the nerves of a living creatures’ smooth going of life.