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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sight words

Sight words

These are words that children can recognise when they see the words.

There are certain words that appear often in every simple books which your child should recongise as sight words.

How to improve?
Through books, worksheets, and other activities.
By practising, your child recognises more sight words.

There are many word childre should recognise when they see them.  They are all around us, in the streets on sign boards and on bus advertisements.  Even though the words do not follow the phonics rules that they have learned so far, the children should recongise them.

For example,  when a child sees the word "you", he or she knows it represents the spoken word "you", withouth having to figure out from the sounds of the letters y-o-u.  This word that your child recognises is called sight word.