I once read and would like to share with you...
Someone asked a monk What is 缘分 (yuán fèn )?
The monk thought a moment and said: “缘分 (yuán fèn ) is life, life is the 缘分 (yuán fèn ).”
This person was very confused, and asked a higher monk.
The high monk said: 缘分 (yuán fèn ) is the practice of previous life. This person didn’t understand his previous life, and asked the Buddha.
Buddha didn’t say anything, his finger pointed at the clouds in the horizon. This man looked, the clouds rose and the clouds dropped, following the wind.
...so he realised: 缘分 (yuán fèn ) is not something you can pursue, it just likes the wind, the wind is uncertain.
So, the above story tells us...
The modern understanding of 缘分 (yuán fèn ): 缘 and 分 is two words. 缘 (yuán) is fate, it is also the cause, it defines how and when people meet. 分 ( fèn ) is to decide whether the two can spend together, it is also the result.
In short...
Life is full of 缘分 (yuán fèn ), no matter what, we should cherish it.